Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Finding from Josh

Despite being between jobs, Josh still finds time to conduct useful research.

Example 1.

Exaxmple 2.

Example 3.

Example 4.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Commune with the fallen

He's closer than you realize.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Ok so zabasearch is a bit scary due to how much info is being made available. But it does turn up some interesting results for certain searches:

Search 1

Search 2

Search 3

Search 4

Search 5

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Honoring George Lucas

To celebrate Star Wars Episode III opening this week:

Jon: "I bet they're ...chewy! Har har har!!!"

You can find the recipe in this book, The Star Wars CookBook: Wookie Cookies and Other Galactic Recipes (by Robin Davis)

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Harvesting the ghosts of geek past

Two geeky items -

1) I was a big Sandman (Neil Gaiman) fan in my youth - now he and his collaborator Dave McKean showed their new movie MirrorMask at Sundance this year (it's been called "Labyrinth for the 21st century"). I saw the trailer for it last night and it looks very surreal and interesting.

2) Remember The Dark Crystal, the underappreciated Jim Henson fantasy with a cult following? Well apparantly there is a sequel in the works.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Cool site

"Omnipelagos finds the shortest paths between any two things"

For example, there is a link between Smegma and Ann Coulter:


[Smegma among humans] edema. Adherence of the foreskin to the inflamed and edematous glans penis is one cause of phimosis [4]

incidence reports and widely varying post-neonatal circumcision rates reflect looseness in the diagnostic

[Reasons for circumcision / Religious and cultural circumcision] a set of texts explaining Islamic law that most Muslims view as authoritative. Most Muslims believe that

[Freedom of Speech / Domestic justice] many Westerners can be driven into attitudes reminiscent of, or actually partaking in, Islamophobia

[Examples of Islamophobia] Ann Coulter: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

Ann Coulter

Oddly, as discovered by Jon, there is no link between butt and crack, though it should be obvious.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Invasion Force

Google Maps found a UFO!

(from Google Sightseeing)

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Iris during our Mother's Day trip back from Ft. Lauderdale / Boca Raton

Test of mobile blogging

Test of mobile blogging

Monday, May 09, 2005

Mobile blog pic!

Personal question

So Kathryn, Iris and I are coming back from our really fun trip to see family down in Boca Raton, Florida, and we're going through security at the airport in Fort Lauderdale. After removing our shoes, throwing our bags on the conveyer belt for the scanner, and going through the metal detector, the guy watching the xray machine turns to me and asks, "do you have a tool?" He was referring to a socket wrench or similar (in a bag that wasn't even mine), but the question completely threw me off due to its simultaneous vagueness and innuendo.

Then they noticed and confiscated the half-inch long sewing scissors buried in a tiny sewing kit Kathryn had in her bag. Even the security guard leaned over and quietly admitted to us that he, too, thought the whole thing was stupid. No doubt that our sewing scissors are going to appear in one of these eBay lots. Kathryn: "I'LL CUT OFF YOUR BUTTONS!! DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS!"

Poor Iris, she was so tired when we got onto the planes (from getting up so early in the morning). But overall she did very well. She even managed to nap while lying on our chests. I think we've over-conditioned her for flying. She seems to like seeing new things.

My favorite bit of airport security is the recurring sign that says "DO NOT EVEN *JOKE* ABOUT BOMBS!! WE TAKE THIS STUFF SERIOUSLY!" To be fair, I did read the story about the idiot that joked "Be careful with that! I have three bombs in that!", which is probably the idiot that made the sign happen.

And speaking of tools, a tidbit from Frank:

One of the tips we've heard to encourage little boys to go to the bathroom (#1) is to toss in a Cheerio as a target. So now I say to my wife "I gotta go sink a Cheerio..."

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Addendum to previous post

Speaking of "Lost in Translation"...

Finally, somebody got it right

Long ago, when Altavista's Babelfish service was relatively new, it was fun to pump sentences into it and cause them to be translated back and forth between multiple languages and back into English. This produced many hilarious phrases. I tried making a web form that would accomplish this automatically using some cheesy URL hacks. But it didn't work consistently. Someone finallly made a much better version of this idea. Some sample results:

"I'm a little tea pot, short and stout."

translates to

"They are a small POTENTIOMETER, short circuits and a beer of malzes of the tea."

"a cookie is just a cookie, but fig newtons are fruit and cake."

translates to

"biskuit has expert of biskuit, but Newton von Fig is fruit and hardens."

"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's amore."

translates to

"If the moon fixes its eye like a great vector of Fleischpie of the vector of Pizzapie, is the lover."

Monday, May 02, 2005

Cool Google Maps hack

Someone figured out a way to merge Terraserver data with Google Maps. The best bit, though, is that you can get a Firefox plugin called Greasemonkey and a DHTML script to make it happen in your own browser:

Someone's hacked a totally custom map into Google (Chicago Transit Authority maps) and he's used a Greasemonkey script to integrate it directly into the regular map. If you've got Greasemonkey installed (on Mozilla), then right-click on this script: topo_monkey.user.js, and select "Install user script".

Then, reload Google Maps, and you should see some new options (Terra, Topo, and Urban) appear next to Map and Satellite.

Why does this kick ass? Because Terraserver did not have as cool of interface as Google Maps for scrolling/zooming/browsing the maps. And now it does with this little Greasemonkey script! But I predict that Microsoft will shut this interoperable capability down somehow since all the eyeballs will be looking at Google Maps instead of Terraserver.

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