Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Link of the day

Today's comes from Josh:

Adult Big Wheels!

The site reminded me of when I was kid. We just moved to Fort Bragg and I decided to take my Big Wheels for a spin. Well I didn't stop at the end of our neighborhood and I ended up following a four lane highway for a while until the military police picked me up. They dumped me in the back of their truck to take me to the station. I remember it nearly fried me because it was bare metal cooking in the hot sun all day! I got dropped off at the station and my parents were called in.

I think they had already been looking for me and saw me in the back of the truck while they were driving around trying to find a kid cruising in his Big Wheels.

It's a wonder I'm still alive. Must've been some wanderlust since we had just moved from Chicago (Fort Sheridan).

Iris isn't Big Wheels age yet but she's close...
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