Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Infotainment soundtrack

The creative brief in the first Gulf War had more to do with the
conflict of cultures and ideologies--it was the Islamic or Arabic
East versus the West, and so the conflict was set in those tones.
The second time it was more like they were trying to promote the
war the same way they would promote Terminator 3--it was like
"Battle of the Megaheroes." So the first time what I delivered
was vaguely militaristic and vaguely Arabic simultaneously. And
the second time it was just Techno-Ali vs. Frazier-IV,
we're-going-to-knock-the-crap-out-of-them music.

- Peter Fish, composer, on his work for CBS's Iraq war coverage.
Quoted in "Music at 6: Scoring the News, Then and Now" by
Carter Burwell in the Fall 2003 edition of Esopus Magazine.

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